Show Review: Currents Perform a Killer Set in Atlanta on “The Death We Seek” Tour

People lined up all the way to the parking garage, fans were decked out in Currents merch waiting to hear the Connecticut native band. Embarking on their first headliner tour titled “The Death We Seek Tour” with Like Moths to Flames, Invent Animate, Unity, and Foreign Hands. Running from May 11 to June 10, most of the dates on this tour were sold out! The show in Atlanta sold out months before the tour made it to the Masquerade in Downtown Atlanta. 

The show was held in Hell, opening with Foreign Hands and Like Moths to Flames. Both bands brought intense room-rattling energy, and could even be heard clearly out in the courtyard. When Currents graced the stage, the crowd lost it. The jam-packed room had fans of all ages, from kids to elders there was no shortage of people crowd-surfing. Everyone was joining in on the fun! Moshing of all sorts was going on from the normal circle pit to a wall of death, and even a group sitting down and rowing in the middle of the pit. Sometimes hardcore shows can be taken too seriously, and this “rowing” is a nice way to lighten it up a little. 

“Oh this is gonna be a good night,” vocalist, Brian Wille, said during their third song of the set, “Into Despair.” The New England metalcore band has an awesome balance of hardcore structure with some gorgeous melodies residing in their songs. The connection between the band with their fans was undeniable, which in turn made the crowd super connected with each other. It felt like a collective performance, crowd and band as one. The crowd and security did a killer job at keeping people safe and holding the crowd surfers up. Overall, the vibes were perfect for this date of “The Death We Seek” Tour. With only a few dates remaining, make sure to catch this stellar lineup!

Currents latest album The Death We Seek is available on all streaming platforms now.

Maggie Didier